Emotions Mentor Coaching Certification

Emotions Mentor® Coaching Certification Course

Learn a unique coaching method
Study self-improvement

Receive top education from renowned mental health professional
Rebecca Hintze, MSc

Starts October

Become a Certified
Emotions Mentor® Coach

Open yourself up to a new world of emotional, physical, and financial freedom as a credentialed coach!

Self-paced study

About the Program

You’ll have lifetime access to incredible, professional training in the field of self-help, energy psychology, and neuropsychology.

  • Over 120 hours of learning
  • An average of 6 hours per week
  • Spread over a 6 month period
  Enroll in Course
Emotions Mentor Coaching Certification

How Does Emotions Mentor® Work?

The Emotions Mentor® Coaching Certification Course is an easy to follow, self-guided, online course. Each module includes informative videos, educational resources, interactive downloads, and book reading assignments. The Emotions Mentor® Coaching Certification Course is made up of 6 modules that can be completed at your own pace.

The Emotions Mentor® Coaching course also includes access to an online community. The Facebook Group will allow you to expand your network with others who have similar goals and ambitions. Becoming a coach of the Emotions Mentor course materials requires that you fully immerse yourself in the world of self-help. You will receive direct training from Rebecca Hintze throughout the curriculum through a live Q&A series.

The Emotions Mentor® Coaching Certification Course also includes access to an online community. Our Facebook Group will allow you to expand your network with others who have similar goals and ambitions. Becoming a coach and instructor through Emotions Mentor® requires that you get to fully immerse yourself in the world of self-help. You will receive direct training from the founder of Emotions Mentor®, Rebecca Hintze, throughout the curriculum.

Rebecca Hintze offers deliberate advice to ensure that the members receive the highest value from their investment. Rebecca Hintze cares about each member and urges each student to finish the course so that others ultimately benefit through coaching using the Emotions Mentor® method.

You will have lifetime access to this course so if finishing in 6 months sounds scary, it’s not! You can move through the material at your own pace.

Emotions Mentor® and the Fields of NeuroPsychology and Energy Psychology New research in the fields of psychology and neuropsychology have provided phenomenal insights into how the brain works and how our brain can be effectively changed for good. For thousands of years and through many cultures, techniques of energy psychology have provided tremendous results as well. The Emotions Mentor® program provides a framework for both new research and ancient teachings that work . By using the Emotions Mentor® approach, we believe it’s possible to make powerful, long-lasting change.

Click to read more

Why Might the Emotions Mentor® Coaching Course Be Right for You?

1. Looking to make an impact?

Change lives using proven techniques in the field of psychology and neuroscience.

2. Passionate about education?

Join a community of lifelong learners, acquiring knowledge to help yourself and those around you.

3. Desire continuous self-improvement?

Improve your mental health and character by enhancing strengths, and healing relationships.

4. Interested in Psychology?

Learn how the mind and body work together and gain confidence to truly make a difference.

Who should become an Emotions Mentor Coach?

Your Instructor

Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc.
Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc.

Rebecca Hintze, M.Sc. is an expert on natural solutions for mood. She's a family issues specialist and an instructor of emotional intelligence for families and individuals.

Creator of Emotions Mentor®, and International bestselling author of Healing Your Family History, distributed worldwide, Essentially Happy, Essential Oils for Happy Living, and Emotions and Essential Oils an A-Z Guide.

Rebecca holds a BA degree from Brigham Young University, and an M.Sc. degree from the University of East London School of Psychology. Happily married for more than 35 years, with four grown children and six grandchildren.

“I’ve gained more knowledge on the brain and it’s workings. Such a gift for both myself and my family. Thank you Rebecca and team for creating such a well rounded course. I’m forever grateful.”

— Arianna Pienaar, 
Emotions Mentor® Coach

“Rebecca’s course and your own willingness to dig deep can literally change your life into learning, growing and becoming your true authentic self. Love yourself and learn happiness because I truly believe it will be the best decision you have ever made.”

— Suzy Patterson,
Emotions Mentor® Coach

“This course had taught me so much, helped to connect the dots, from the field of psychology to energy with science backing; how everyone can find commonality in the field of human emotions, no matter your background.”

— Sharon Ho,
Emotions Mentor® Coach

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

The course starts November 1st, 2023 and your access to the course does not expire. It is a self-paced online course with live session with Rebecca

On average, students complete the 120 hours of education over the course of 6 months by studying for 6 hours per week.

Rebecca would never want you to be unhappy! If you decide this course isn’t the right fit for you, please email [email protected] within seven days of purchase and let Rebecca know what didn’t work for you, and she’ll refund your purchase.